Thursday, June 7, 2012

There are no Ascended Masters. Banish this superstition.

I have told you that I AM; if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way.-John 18:8.
As soon then as he had said unto them, I AM they went backward and fell to the ground.John
Today there is so much said about Masters, Elder Brothers, Adepts and initiates that numberless truth seekers are being constantly misled by seeking these false lights. For a price, most of these pseudo-teachers offer their students initiation into the mysteries, promising them guidance and direction. Man's weakness for leaders, as well as his worship of idols, makes him an easy prey of these schools and teachers. Good will come to most of these enrolled students; they will discover after years of awaiting and sacrificing that they were following a mirage. They will then become disillusioned in their schools and teachers, and this disappointment will be worth the effort and price they have paid for their fruitless search. They will then turn from their worship of man and in so doing discover that which they are seeking is not to be found in another, for the Kingdom of Heaven is within. This realization will be their first real initiation. The lesson learned will be this: There is only one Master and this Master is God, the I AM within themselves.
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There is no barrier to God, for God is your awareness of being. Regardless of what you are aware of being, you can and do express it without effort. Stop looking for the Master to come; he is with you always. "I AM with you always even unto the end of the world."
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There are no Ascended Masters. Banish this superstition. You will forever rise from one level of consciousness (master) to another; in so doing you manifest the ascended level, expressing this newly acquired consciousness.
Consciousness being Lord and Master, you are the Master Magician conjuring that which you are now conscious of being. "For God (consciousness) calleth those things which be not as though they were": Things that are not now seen will be seen the moment you become conscious of being that which is not now seen.
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Your belief in masters is a confession of your slavery. Only slaves have masters. Change your conception of yourself and you will, without the aid of masters or anyone else, automatically transform your world to conform to your changed conception of yourself.
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Meditate on these. "I rejoice not in the sacrifices of men. Not by might nor by power but by my spirit. Ask and you shall receive. Come eat and drink with out price,"

Your Faith . lS Your Fortune .

What a great forgiveness opportunity. Is it your business, their business or God's business? Definitely not my business so I let it go. Do I warn others? No. I let them discover the Truth for themselves and support them, but from my level of consciousness or awareness. I don't have to come down to their level. We are ALL perfect creations of God. What God creates is perfect and we as co-creators have created perfection. We are to see Heaven not Earth/Hell. One is through the eyes of spirit the other is ego/body based. Realizing what we are we start to relinquish the ego and wake up.
Atonement or At-one-ment   is the undoing of fear because we begin to realize we are NOT separate from God.  

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